To Work, Open Offices Need To Be A Little Less Open By chanmockUncategorizedNo Comments Nice article on the need for different types of spaces in successful offices and how they are becoming like hotels!! November 6, 2015 Love1
More evidence that open offices really work By chanmockUncategorizedNo Comments Great piece on NPR with metrics showing effectiveness of open offices. How A Bigger Lunch Table At Work Can Boost Productivity May 20, 2015 Love1
Breakrooms as Office Showpiece By chanmockUncategorized Nice article on the trend of breakrooms being becoming the showpiece of the new office Companies recast office break room as collaborative workspace April 1, 2015 Love1
CMA in the Globe! By chanmockUncategorizedNo Comments Home design: Out with the 70s, in with the sleek January 26, 2015 Love1
Evaluating the Biotech Boom By chanmockUncategorizedNo Comments Riding High, Biotech Firms Remain Wary January 26, 2015 Love1
Kay Sargent responds to Washington Post article By chanmockUncategorizedNo Comments Google didn’t “get it wrong.” January 26, 2015 Love1
Ditch the Cubicles By chanmockUncategorized A quick story from WGBH radio about how Millennials are changing the workplace and how important it is that organizational structure change along with the physical environment in order for a project to be successful. To Attract Millennial Workers, Ditch the Cubicles December 16, 2014 Love1